How the Monthly Rate Works
If you pay the monthly rate, you get one class free. The number of classes you pay for depends on how many classes there are in the month. Some months you'll pay for eight classes, some months you'll pay for seven, and once in a while you'll pay for nine.
You are paying a monthly rate, not paying for classes in advance, which means that your payment for the month does not carry over to the next month, regardless of how many classes you miss. If you know you will have to miss some classes during the month, it's best to pay by the class for that month.
The classes at each location are separate and are not interchangeable. If you paid monthly at one location and have to miss a class, you cannot make it up with a class at another location. You are welcome to come to any class at any location for the per-class rate.
The monthly rate is non-transferable. Your friends or family cannot come to a class on your monthly rate.
I offer a monthly rate with free classes as a courtesy and a thank you to students who come regularly and to make yoga
affordable for everyone. Please do not ask for exceptions.
Thank you for understanding.